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Our Third Quarter Prize Draw Winners: Celebrating RG Law's Customer Feedback & Excellence


Mr & Mrs Baker Prize draw winners.

Thank you to Mr & Mrs Baker our prize draw winners
Thank you to Mr & Mrs Baker, our prize draw winners

Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Baker, our third quarter prize draw winners. Thank you for taking the time to leave a review about the experience you had with us. It is something we actively promote to all of our clients. It is an excellent way for us to monitor and improve our service.

thumbs up 5 stars
thumbs up 5 stars

When case managers get positive client feedback, it can help with mood, boost productivity, and improve overall health and well-being. However, a negative review can have the opposite effect. Whatever the reason, the mind tends to focus on the negative feedback for longer.

This is why we actively promote our My Experience team, who are here to help resolve issues as quickly as possible. When something goes wrong, give us a chance to fix it. We would much rather you share the problem and we investigate it, resolve it and give us 3 stars than for things to go unsaid and unresolved, and you give us 1 star.

#5stars#York#Sidcup#legal#conveyancing#property#estateagents#IFA#developers#housing#moving#newhomes#home#properties#forsale#realestate#quality#work#friendly#helpful#landlords#clientsfirst#lawfirm#mortgage#staysafe#secondchance#improving#professionals#advice#wills#probate#lastingpowersofattorney#lpa#privateclient #thankyou #care

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